When someone says "tailgait" I think of the back of a truck open and a case of beer, some snacks, and music. What I did not expect was hundreds of cars, tents, speaker systems. This was more than a tailgait, this was a giant rager. People were carrying around mini-kegs from tailgait to tailgait and others had giant club speakers set up on top of their cars blaring techno or country or rock or rap music- all depending on the crowd- old, young, city, country. I've never seen a place with such diversity united by beer, music, and football. If it doesn't appear obvious yet, you should know that this was my first tailgait and Ravens game!

It was so cold outside that I dressed in my snowboarding gear and then put on my Dad's XXL Ravens jersey over my jacket. I felt part of the experience in my purple. People around was were cursing, a Steelers fan got kicked out of the game for egging Ravens fans on and a Ravens fan got kicked out for disorderly conduct! That was all in the first quarter! It's easy to join in on the fun. It only took me a few minutes to warm up until I was screaming "GO BACK TO PITSBURGH!!!"
I'm disappointed to say that the Ravens lost at the end of the 4th to the Steelers. My opinion, we should have run the ball, could have won. I wasn't the only one disappointed. But hey, we're in the playoffs now, first game against the chiefs, then back to Pitsburgh for redemption!
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