Saturday, May 21, 2011

Daintree Rainforest

After a great few days in Sydney we flew up to Cairns, AU and drove an hour north into Port Douglas. Port Douglas in an amazing town with marina access out to the Great Barrier Reef, a seashore teaming with box jellyfish, and just a few minutes inland- a beautiful, lush rainforest. The town of Port Douglas itself is frequently visited by Bill Clinton and Steven Spielberg... and for a good reason. This town is your ideal small marina town filled with tons of cozy and yummy cafes, neat little shops, and a long beach backed by the mountains.

On our first day in Port Douglas we went into the Daintree rainforest. The rainforest is filled with all kinds of crazy shaped trees with roots above ground and a base that fans out into multiple directions.... streams, waterfalls, strange thorny plants. This rainforest hike was exceptionally beautiful and fun... but also very hot. It was great to finish up the hike and jump into the cool, fresh running water in the big swimming area.

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